• 06:26 Up and working, and realizing that vacation will be post-poned. #
  • 08:04 In traffic and still listening to Barrowman’s "Reflections". He clearly shares my opinion on dramatic brass; you can never have too much! #
  • 11:11 Project Managers: @cbalusek’s team is filling an awesome role in Austin/D.C. rurl.org/191u. If NYC was listed, I’d apply – THAT COOL. #
  • 14:56 @chadnorman Livejournal, 2001. #
  • 15:18 @chadnorman It’s interesting to compare original opensource platforms with existing SN sites. They engage VERY different demographics. #
  • 15:20 @jordanv Great webinar. Nothing was new to me, but the way the info was presented gives me lots of "selling points" for others in my org. #
  • 20:11 @jordanv I absolutely agree – that’s why I attended! #
  • 20:23 @cbalusek if your photos with Rena are any indication, you’re surely the most serious competitor! #
  • 22:49 Missed call on an ID-protected number at 10:45pm; no vm. I answer at all hours, but if it’s worth a call at all, leave a bloody message. #
  • 23:13 I HATE rss feeds that offer only a preview. No matter how good the content, a traffic-gimmick automatically makes you not worth following. #

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